If you have been served with a subpoena, it likely came as a surprise. The nature of the case may be a shock to you, and they did not consult with you before scheduling the date they want you to appear. Perhaps you already have important plans that day. Maybe you are simply unable to attend the deposition. Now you’re wondering what to do next.
First, make sure you receive your witness fees. While the amount can be trivial, you should still request them. As of October 1st, 2020, the witness fees are $35 plus twenty cents per mile, both ways, to and from the point of appearance.
Next, if the date does not fit your availability, you can contact the attorney who has subpoenaed you by referencing their address and phone number. Be honest with them, saying, “I’m willing to appear. I’m willing to give testimony, but I can’t do it on the date that you’ve noticed me do it.”
Be sure to remain calm through this situation. It may be a surprise, and it affects your plans, but you remain in control of your mindset as you navigate this process. Watch the video to learn more.
If you have additional questions about responding to being served with a subpoena, I want you to call me at (559) 702-5124. I welcome your call. Visit our educational website at www.NunesLaw.com for more videos and media content from our law firm.