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Fresno Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer Helping Clients Collect Damages

Car accidents happen daily in Fresno, leaving victims injured and burdened with medical bills they can’t afford. Unfortunately, many of these crashes could have been avoided if drivers took greater care on Fresno roads. One of the most frustrating causes of accidents in California is distracted driving.

We all know that using a cell phone while driving is incredibly distracting and illegal in California unless the driver uses a hands-free device. However, did you know that eating, drinking, applying makeup, and conversing with passengers can all be considered distracted driving?

If you or a loved one has experienced a car crash because the at-fault driver was distracted behind the wheel, you could have a distracted driving accident case. Contact our experienced attorney for a free consultation to see how we can make the most of your insurance claim and recover damages beyond what the insurance company will pay. Call today to speak with our caring, capable legal team at (559) 702-5124.

What is Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving laws in California are strict and can result in heavy fines. For example, a driver caught using their phone for any reason while driving, including texting, looking at a map, or making a call, may be fined $20 for a first offense and up to $50 for subsequent offenses. This may not seem like much money, but when you add in the processing fees for each ticket, the price skyrockets to $60-$150. While drivers may use a phone with a hands-free system, this option is not available for anyone under 18.

Cell phones may be a major culprit in causing distractions that result in collisions, but there are other ways drivers engage in distracted driving, including:

  • Adjusting the radio
  • Using a smartphone or another electronic device
  • Talking to passengers
  • Eating or drinking while driving
  • Applying make-up
  • Adjusting mirrors and seatbelts while the vehicle is in motion
  • Driving while distracted by your thoughts

What Should I Do if I am in an Accident Caused by a Distracted Driver?

If you have been involved in any motor vehicle collision, your priorities should be getting yourself to safety and seeking medical attention. Many people don’t realize they are seriously injured because the adrenaline rush of the crash masks the pain of their injuries. A medical professional should examine you to ensure you don’t have internal injuries that can lead to permanent damage or even death.

After you are safe and help is on the way, you should exchange information with the other driver. Giving each other your names, contact information and insurance information makes collecting damages much easier. If the driver fled the accident scene, you should write down their car make, model, and license number to help police find the person. This is important even if you were at fault for the accident since leaving the crash scene is a crime in California.

Lastly, you should file a report with the police and contact a lawyer. Your injury attorney can investigate the incident and protect your rights as a distracted driving accident victim.

What Compensation Will I Receive for My Injuries?

Many people are injured in distracted driving accidents in Fresno every year, including passengers, children, and pedestrians. Under California law, these victims are entitled to compensation and can collect damages by taking legal action against the at-fault driver in a personal injury claim.

Some of the items covered in your distracted driving case include:

  • Medical bills, such as doctor’s visits, ambulance fees, hospital expenses, surgical procedures, specialists, chiropractors, wheelchairs, physical therapy, and more
  • Lost income, such as lost wages, lost salary, lost bonuses, lost vacation time, and lost income-earning ability
  • Emotional distress
  • Mental trauma
  • Disfigurement
  • Lost enjoyment of life
  • Wrongful death

If you are the victim of distracted driving accident injuries, please reach out to our law office right away to learn what your options are. You may be able to collect damages in a lawsuit against the negligent driver, so call today!

At Nunes Law, Inc., Our Law Firm Also Focuses on the Following Practice Areas:

Hiring a personal injury lawyer to help you seek justice and recover damages following an accident is a big decision. Many people think that filing a claim with the insurance company to cover the property damage and a few medical bills is sufficient. They don’t realize that these costs can add up in the future and will probably be much more than what is covered in an insurance settlement. Some victims end up losing their jobs and finding that they can no longer provide for their children. However, this doesn’t need to be the case for you.

You have the chance today to reach out to Nunes Law, Inc. and find an experienced car accident attorney who will dedicate his time and effort to getting you the maximum compensation you deserve. We can help you find financial assistance to cover the medical bills, emotional trauma, and other expenses arising from your injuries.

Please call right away and let us handle your case. We will work tirelessly to take care of the legal side of your claim so you can focus on resting and recovering. Call (559) 702-5124 to schedule a free case review with our talented, compassionate legal team.