After being in an auto accident, you learned the careless driver who hit you has the same insurance company as you. Now you’re wondering how you can bring a lawsuit if the same company handles insurance for both sides. You can still make a claim, but you’ll need to pay special attention to some additional factors.
Cases with the same insurance company covering both sides are handled differently, complete with different ratings and limits. Insurance companies should assign each side of the case to different adjusters. Make sure this happens by carefully reading all communications from your insurance company in the mail, reviewing who is listed as insured and who is listed as the claimant. Don’t respond to the letter if this information is not clear.
Whenever the adjusters call you, confirm with them whether they are representing the claimant or the injured on the case. Check the information they provide with the claim numbers, as these numbers will often be different. Watch the video to learn more.
If you have additional questions, I want you to call me at (559) 702-5124. I welcome your call. Visit our educational website at for more videos and media content from our law firm.